Bullying and Bullies

Have you encountered a bully at work, school, in a public setting or in an intimate relationship ? If “yes”, read further.

The issues that a bully has are intrapsychic processes that manifest outward as aggression, competition, domination, etc. The bully knows the vibe of being bullied and by bullying you, it gives them a false sense of power and control over you as the target. They know the vibe from earlier phases of their lives. They were probably the target and can effectively come up with approaches on how to bully you and who to bring in as their “flying monkeys”. Harassment at work is not an organizational issue , the structure of the building is not doing the bullying, the person who is doing it has major issues that they need to take accountability for and seek mental health supports for it!

Why cannot a bully take a break? Because that is how they derive their pleasure and sense of self. If you ask them to speak another language, perhaps , they will never be capable of, but they feel empowered to bully . It makes them bald and powerful, an identity flaw! What happens is in their mind, but to strike at others to feel good about themselves is something that it should never be tolerated .

Many lack a moral consciousness- the difference between right and wrong is blurried! For some reason, they think that you owe them something. You cannot fuel a burning fire, all you can do is walk away.

A person with a personality disorder that gets pleasure from creating turmoil and chaos is a person that needs help.

Walk away from environments or people that are toxic. Toxicity breeds toxicity. Toxic cultures are allowed because someone who is in a position of power does not enforce the rules.

I found the following article interesting, if you want to take a peek: https://hbr.org/2022/11/how-bullying-manifests-at-work-and-how-to-stop-it

Happy reading and stay safe !


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