Exercises to Calm Your Anxious Thoughts
You are tormented by your own thoughts. They are like a Bully.
It is important to understand that you are not your thoughts and that thoughts and feelings are not facts. They cross the stream of your awarness and they try to warn you that you may need to attend to something. If you can create some distance from your thoughts, take a moment and do an exercise from the following:
Take a moment to breathe and let’s breathe together- inhale on a count to four and exhale on a count to eight. Do this a few times.
Vizualize your thoughts like leaves on a stream, observe them and let them go. Keep watching them for a a few minutes. Notice what happens to you. Are you calmer?
Close your eyes and notice what is happening in the present moment in your body. Any areas of tension? Anything that requires your attention right now? Sit with it for a few moments.
Your mind can be like a tyrant sometimes. There are strategies that you can engage in the present moment to make you feel more relaxed and recharged. The road to a healthier you is paved on consistency. Attend to your moment-by-moment experiences and ground yourself through breath. As powerful as this is, it regulates your nervous system. It snaps you out of a sympathetic mode into a parasympathetic mode.